Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Declaring our Independence

Dear fellow Colonist,

     I am here to inform you of the need to gain independence.  We have noticed lately the corrupted government we are ruled by, and the laws they have harshly given to our people without our consent.
     The British has taxed us several times in the past, even though we have no say in the Parliament.  We have been taxed on printed goods, sugar products, and much more.  Why should we pay extra money just because they say so?  Why should they have that kind of power over us?  If they can pass the Townshend Acts,  the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act, and the Intolerable Acts, what other laws might they pass in the future?  They have complete control over us, and they could take away our property if they wanted to.  This is unjust.
     Please remember the incident that took place not that long ago, the Boston Massacre.  The Redcoat have murdered our people.  They are rogues, beasts.  While our defenseless people stood up and expressed their feelings, the devilish British soldiers slaughtered them.  Do you think what they did is right?  They could just march in and kill your family, for all they care.
     The British Government has violated our rights.  We believe that man are created equal, and that we have natural rights.  Rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  We the People should have control over the government.  If it is ruling unfairly, we should be able to change the way its behaving.  This is the kind of Government we can give you, if you join us in this journey towards Independence.
     We have the willpower, the weapons, and the strength to defeat the British.  We will defeat the British.  After that, a new golden era will appear.  It is up to you to join us, battle with us, and to savor the freedom!


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