Thursday, September 30, 2010

Code Geass is the best anime I have seen so far
C2 looks the cutest in this cartoon XD
Girl with green hair whose on top of Collin

About Me

    Hello, ...everyone. 
    I am currently having a moment of writer's block.  Or is it typer's block?  Anyways...I am doing this for Social Studies, and I am currently eating a strawberry.  I don't like strawberry at all.  Oranges and apples aren't my favorite either.  I prefer pineapple or mango.
    After school Activities?  I am currently participating in Cross Country.  And from that I have gained a few blisters, blood, and one of my toenail is very loose.  It stung for days and now it doesn't hurt but there is a big gap between my nail and toe.  I have a feeling you didn't need to know that but I really felt like sharing the disgusting image with you.
    I like to read and write.  I know that does not sound exciting but I love to read.  Writing is fun too, but I only can focus on one story for a couple of months, after that, its just a pain.  I also enjoy swimming laps. Playing on my instruments can be really relaxing too.
   Most of my friends are awesome, and each is awesome in her own way.  Just like how one of my friends is an enjoyable teasing target, and another one of my friends will bike all the way home from school and come all the way back just to get a frappuccino for me ( Thanks Whitney).
    And here is a little about my sister.  She is five years old and a really big pain in the neck.  She cut my hair once without me noticing, and that resulted in everyone staring at my head and asking what happened.  She's torn and scribbled on my homework.  Once I bought a snicker-doodle cookie at school and put it in my backpack just for her.  It was my favorite kind and it took all my willpower not to eat it.  When she got home, I warmed it up and presented to her.  She took one look at it and said yuck.  I have also wasted a lot of time teaching her the letters of the alphabet, her name, numbers, and addition.  I am currently teaching her how to pronounce letters and spell words.  But I guess one day, when shes old enough, I can tell her all the things I've done for her and force her to become my person slave.
    A little about my educational life, I go to Boulan Park Middle School.  I am in 8th grade, and I'm writing this for a Social Studies assignment.  But the day isn't getting any longer and I still have to study for a quiz and make a birthday card.  And thank goodness, I just finished the last sour strawberry.  I hope you enjoyed what you just read and decided that it wasn't a total waste of your time.  Goodbye, and have fun doing what you like to do the most.

- Code Geass rocks!!!